Welcome to Sherrie McKay.com, a worship arts ministry blog full of meaningful content helpful for equipping and edifying ministry leaders in the complex work of multicultural worship arts ministry.  While most of the content will focus on multicultural worship practices, concepts, and resources, you will also find devotional material and a variety of topics related to ministry leadership. I believe that multicultural worship arts ministry is a lifestyle, and it is fascinating to see the various ways in which the rhythms of our daily lives inform how we minister in a diverse context. 

Since I am a practitioner at heart with more than 30 years as a full-time worship arts minister and worship leader in a Southern Baptist church, I enjoy providing tested, real-life solutions and ideas for the local church.  You will find accessible ideas for multicultural worship arts ministry, and guided questions in most blog posts aimed at helping you think about what God is doing in your church.  Video reference links will provide examples of things that I have implemented in my local church as well as resources I have found helpful. I will also help you think about what steps you may want to take so that you may apply some of the ideas covered in a post. 

My educational background has given me many rich experiences and connections in the Nazarene Church and in the Southern Baptist Convention. I have a Bachelor of Science in Church Music from Eastern Nazarene College, a Master of Arts in Church Music from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship from Nazarene Theological Seminary. If you are a student studying multicultural worship arts ministry at the collegiate or graduate level, you will find content and resource material appropriate for your studies. I especially enjoy working with students, so please reach out with your questions or share your ministry experiences with me using the contact page.

I believe that my work is especially helpful to White majority churches and leaders who are working on the initial steps toward worshiping as a multiethnic church. These initial steps are critical to the success of such work. This blog will help you explore your cultural intelligence and avoid some of the mistakes often made by White majority churches who decide to become multicultural.

These are the things that the blog writing experts tell me to share with you on the about page.  Let me just add something that is more from my heart. Multicultural work in the church is very personal. Everyone’s context, and lived experiences are different. I don’t consider what I share with you as the right way to do this.  I am just bringing my lived experiences, context, and resources to the table in the hopes it will bless, inspire, and encourage you. Like bringing a dish to Thanksgiving dinner, I pray that bringing my dish to the multicultural worship “table” in some small way will give glory to our great God as I share with you what he has done.

When I am not busy with ministry work, I enjoy being outside doing yard work, hiking, or enjoying the firepit with family and friends. I absolutely love Maryland steamed crabs and trips to the beach once a year with my adult children Jess, Jonny, and Jackson.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

-Sherrie McKay